The extensive Carier Bulk Materials Handling range of conveyors, elevators, intakes and ancillaries has been designed to suit the needs of the light industrial and harvest duty commercial grain storage markets. This well respected range of machinery is in operation on many sites throughout the UK and across the world. The modern designs take advantage of the latest materials handling knowhow and manufacturing techniques.
General features of the Carier range:
Bucket elevators, chain conveyors and angleveyors supplied in two casing sizes covering throughputs of 40tph through to 150tph cereals @ 750kg/m³
Chain conveyor lengths up to 60m long, elevators up to 25m high
Slipform belt conveyors in 3 widths
All galvanised steel casing construction as standard for indoor or outdoor applications
Low maintenance shaft mounted gearmotor drives with IP55 motors up to 7.5kW